Friday, 11 April 2014

Gnosall for Easter

The impressive and balustraded Avenue bridge which leads to yet another Tudor manor house, this time Chillington Hall, now a wedding and events venue.  The Hall is not visible from the canal and there was nowhere near to moor up and have a look - maybe on my way back.

Approaching Brewood (pronounced Brood) where I intend to stop and have a look and visit the local shops.

It was well worth the stop.  This is Speedwell Castle, on the market square and erected by an apothecary around 1740.  It is reputed he had a large win on a horse called Speedwell and used his winnings to build this dwelling.   It is now divided into flats.



It is a lovely village with a large assortment of fine houses and lots of local shops.

View from Brewood Bridge.  This section of the canal comprises very long straight sections.

The aqueduct over the A5.  Known as Watling Street and one of the most important Roman roads - running from Dover, through London, to Wales and, typically of Roman roads, extremely straight.

And at long last I have managed to get a photo of a kingfisher.  I spotted one, dropped the boat into tickover and realised there were a pair keeping just too far ahead of the boat, as usual.  Full zoom and not fantastic photos but I make no apology for including them.

So I arrived at Gnosall for the Easter banter.  Well ahead of schedule due to the good weather.  I may spend a couple of days going a bit further up before turning and getting back in plenty of time for Easter. Decisions, decisions!

10 miles; 1 locks
TOTAL:  139 miles; 36 locks

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